
脊柱 创伤


Car accidents, falls 和 sports injuries are examples of trauma that can cause spine fractures.

脊柱 fractures caused by trauma – such as a sudden blow or injury to the vertebrae – can occur anywhere on the spine, including bones in the neck or cervical spine, bones in the upper back or thoracic spine, 腰:下背部或腰椎, 和 the section of connected bone at the very bottom of the spinal column called the sacrum.


UCSF is home to one of the country's largest centers dedicated to evaluating 和 treating spinal conditions, 包括脊髓损伤, 椎骨和附近的神经. Caring for severely injured patients often requires expertise in skeletal fixation, 软组织修复, intensive care management 和 rehabilitation. To provide each patient with the best care possible, our center brings together world-renowned specialists in neurosurgery, 整形外科手术, 神经学, 疼痛管理, 物理治疗, 精神病学, 放射学和风湿病学.

作为学术医疗中心的一部分, we can offer our patients access to the latest technologies, 药物和程序, such as the new minimally invasive kyphoplasty treatment for spinal fractures resulting from osteoporosis, a common affliction in our aging population. We also work closely with leading diagnostic radiologists, who can detect fractures that may not show up with conventional imaging techniques.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

The first symptom of a broken bone is usually pain unless the spinal cord has been injured, 这会导致身体虚弱, 麻痹和失去知觉.

Depending on the location of the fracture, the damaged structures can injure the spinal cord or spinal nerves nerves that lead to pain in the arms or legs, 或者影响肠道, 膀胱或性器官.


Your doctor will conduct a physical examination asking you about where you feel pain, 失去知觉或行动困难. An x射线 will show most broken vertebrae but other imaging technology may be necessary to show hard-to-see fractures. 这些可能包括 核磁共振成像CT扫描, or further x射线s where you are asked to bend your neck forward 和 backward (dynamic or flexion-extension views). About 5 percent of spinal injuries have a second fracture either adjacent to the main fracture or elsewhere on the spine. You may be asked to restrict activity or wear a brace until additional studies can be obtained.


Treatment of spinal fractures is aimed at realigning the broken pieces 和 keeping them in alignment until the bone has healed. Healthy broken bones will naturally form more bone tissue around the broken edges to "knit" the broken edges. Specific treatment of traumatic spine fractures depends on the location of the fracture, its severity 和 how it impacts nearby tissue 和 nerves.

Some fractures heal well with external bracing. Cervical fractures can sometimes be treated with a halo vest (a ring attached to the skull 和 attached to a vest on the chest). Other fractures may require surgical stabilization, 植入螺钉, 挂钩及连杆, 和 fusing that portion of the same spine (placing bone graft to help the bones grow together). There are some fractures which my need to be observed to determine whether bone will heal on their own or if surgery will be needed. Surgery is recommended for many patients who suffer neurologic injury at the time of their fracture to remove any bone or disc material that is still compressing the neural structures, 和 to stabilize that part of the spine to minimize additional trauma to that region.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only 和 is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class

    This eight-week class teaches mindfulness practices that can reduce stress 和 improve your overall health, 比如冥想和身体意识.



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    Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to provide support, 给病人安慰和忠告, 家庭和照顾者.
